Sunday, 20 May 2012

Fwd: Slack

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From: Gareth Heaton <>
Date: 20 May 2012 16:42:08 GMT+01:00
Subject: Slack

After another sustained absence I finally get round to writing again.
If this blog were a plant it's leaves would be withered and dry, were it a child then I would certainly be writing this post from behind bars.
I think my last post was toward the end of 2011, we, as you will no doubt be aware, are deep into 2012 now and as of Wednesday I will only have 10 weeks left! That is it, 10 weeks.
And if truth be told I am
quite ready for this self imposed hiatus to end. I'm more than ready to get back into bed with ol'beery, if he'll have me.   
 About a 6 weeks ago it was  glorious weather and the streets round here were packed with boozers, they where all hanging round and... boozing. It looked like fun.
 Socialising isn't proving to be a challenge anymore, I can happily sit in the pub with a lime and soda and not really think about drinking, but occasionally, like when it's sunny, I start thinking about all those lovely beverages and it makes me a little exited!
Besides neglecting my loyal reader I have also shamefully neglected to thank those of you who have kindly taken your time to support me, particularly Buzoo who joined me in a month of abstinence back in February, well done mate, it was good to have you on board. Chris and Helen who selflessly decided to join me for a monumental 6 MONTHS, Beginning in January. I was very impressed to hear that they had decided to do that, there can't be long left for them, thank you very much and well done indeed! MSG and everyone in Chorley who attended the Matthew Lloyd invitational Grand Slam Darts Tournament, they raised a whopping £302 for the brain tumour research campaign! Well done and thank you! And not least of all thanks to everyone who has sponsored me from the beginning, your support is greatly appreciated! Ta!
In other news George and I have decided to head back up North. This decision has been a long time coming but come it did, so sadly September will see us leave Hove behind in search of undoubtedly colder (but not cooler) climes. I'm going to have to make full use of August now, seeing as it will be my last month with all the lovely people if Brighton.

Bye for nar